


Rodrigo’s expertise lies in public law, with a specialisation in administrative law and the interaction between our clients and government agencies in the development of their business.

Degree: Chile, 2024.


Rodrigo has been an associate of our firm since 2023, where he provides ongoing counsel to our clients on public procurement procedures and/or public tenders in which they participate. He has also advised on electricity supply contracts, the development of multidimensional projects and disputes with the relevant administrative authorities.

Furthermore, he actively participates in the office’s Pro Bono cases, supporting users in the management of their family law disputes.

Additionally, he participated as a researcher and advisor to a group of conventional constituents in the 2022 constitutional process during his time at university.

Advice to

  • Providing guidance to a range of clients on the submission of administrative claims in relation to irregularities identified in public procurement procedures.
  • Provided guidance to a leading national glass producer in the development and presentation of an environmental compliance programme.
  • Provided counsel to a prominent mining enterprise in its defence against a government initiative that would impose undue safety burdens.
  • Provided counsel on the execution of a power purchase agreement for a prominent cardboard packaging manufacturer.
  • Provided counsel to a prominent forestry enterprise in the context of a site closure process.


  • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Law School, 2022.

Academic Activities, Recognitions and Memberships

  • Assistant professor of Constitutional Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2019-2024.
  • Assistant professor of Oral Litigation Technique, Universidad Andrés Bello, 2023.
  • Teaching assistant for the Business and Government course, LLM programme, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2018.


  • English
  • Spanish