
Juan Cristóbal


Juan Cristóbal leads the antitrust practice and has extensive experience in various matters, including litigation, market investigations and complex merger control proceedings.

Degree: Chile, 1994.


Juan Cristóbal joined the firm in 1994 and was made partner in 2007.

Juan Cristóbal heads the Competition Law practice, advising clients in antitrust litigations, such as cartels and unilateral conduct, dealing with merger control, investigations, market enquiries, non-contentious advice and compliance programs.

He has participated in many landmark cases that have shaped competition case law in Chile, i.e., the first leniency case in Chile (FNE vs Tecumseh), the first Phase II in merger control case (Essilor Luxottica), several mergers and acquisitions such as LAN-TAM, Shell,-Terpel, AT&T -Time Warner, CDF, etc., several unilateral conduct cases in consumer goods and retail, entertainment and digital markets, infrastructure and transportation, among others. 

Additionally, he has provided Pro Bono advice to different trade associations regarding Competition and Consumer Protection bills.

He has practiced Competition Law, Intellectual Property Law, Commercial Law and Consumer Protection.

Juan Cristóbal is also the partner in charge of the Alumni Network.


  • Magister Juris (MJur), Oxford University, 1998.
  • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Law School, 1994.

Actividades Académicas, Reconocimientos y Membresías

  • International Bar Association. Compliance & Cartels Working Groups.
  • American Bar Association, Antitrust Section.
  • Member of the Advisory Board, Programa de Libre Competencia UC.
  • Member of the Board, National Association of Advertisers (ANDA).
  • Chilean Bar Association.
  • Lecturer, Compliance Diploma, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.
  • Lecturer, Intellectual Property Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
  • Lecturer, Competition Law, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
  • Lecturer, Competition Law, Universidad de Los Andes.
  • He has also taught undergraduate and graduate courses at the Universidad Católica de Chile, Adolfo Ibañez and Finis Terrae.
  • He has participated as a panelist in numerous conferences in Chile and abroad.
  • Featured lawyer in Band 1 & 2 (in different years) in Competition Law, Chambers Latin America. 
  • Leading Partners, The Legal 500 Latin America.
  • “Lawyer of the Year” in Antitrust, Legal 500 Chile Awards 2024.
  • Who’s Who Legal: Thought Leader Competition.
  • Leading lawyer in Competition Law, Global Competition Review.
  • Recognized Lawyer in Competition Law, Latin Lawyer.
  • Best Lawyer of the year in Competition Law, Best Lawyers, 2017.
  • Chevening Scholarship, British Council, 1997.
  • Fernando Fueyo Laneri Foundation Award, 1994.


  • Chilean correspondent, Practical Law Competition, Thomson Reuters 
  • Chapter “Análisis Crítico del Sistema de Operaciones de Concentración” (co-authored with Cristóbal Lema) in the collective book “Nuevo Régimen de Libre Competencia”, edited by Domingo Valdés and Omar Vásquez, Rubicón Editores, 2022.
  • Chapter “Competition Law in Chile” (co-authored with Cristóbal Lema) in the collective book “Competition Law in Latin America A Practical Guide”, edited by Julián Peña and Marcelo Calliari, Wolters Kluwer (second edition), 2022.
  • Chapter “Chile Chapter on Information Exchange and Related Risks: A Jurisdictional Guide” (co-authored with Fernanda Hermosilla and Cristóbal Lema) in collective book “Information Exchange and Related Risks: A Practical Guide” edited by Zolan Marosi and Marcio Días Soares, Concurrences, 2022.
  • Juan Cristobal Gumucio, Elías Astudillo and Tomás Labbé, “¿Se justifica la consulta ante el TDLC”, Investigaciones CeCo, February, 2020.
  • Lexology Navigator – Merger Control, 2017.
  • SENTENCIAS DESTACADAS 2015, Una Mirada desde la Perspectiva de Las Políticas Públicas, “Doctrina de la Corte Suprema en la Colusión de los Pollos”. Juan Cristóbal Gumucio Sch. & Elías Astudillo R. Ediciones LyD, 2016.
  • “Competition Law in Latin America”. Chapter 13: Competition Law in Chile. Walters Kluwer Law International B.V., 2016.
  • “Nuevas Tendencias del Moderno Derecho Económico”. Chapter III: “Control de Fusiones en Chile ¿Requiere de un cambio?” Legal Publishing Chile, Thompson Reuters, 2014.
  • “La Libre Competencia en el Chile del Bicentenario”. Interrelación Propiedad Intelectual, Competencia Desleal, Protección al Consumidor y Libre Competencia. Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia / Centro de Libre Competencia UC. Published by Thomson Reuters Puntolex, 2011.
  • “Concentración Económica y su Control Previo”, in Revista Derecho Mayor, Year VII, Number 7, April 2008.
  • “Procreación Asistida. Un Análisis a la Luz de la Legislación Chilena”. Awarded by the Fernando Fueyo Laneri Foundation. Published by Editorial Jurídica Conosur, February 1997.
  • “Procreación Asistida Heteróloga. Efectos civiles con respecto al matrimonio y la filiación”. Volume 21, N° 2, May – August 1994. Revista Chilena de Derecho.


  • Spanish
  • English