Jorge leads a practice that covers complex litigation, internal investigations and compliance, with a special focus on corporate crime and best practices, without prejudice to his experience in civil, commercial and arbitration disputes.
Degree: Chile, 2010.
Jorge joined the Firm in 2007 and has been partner since 2018.
He advises clients in commercial disputes, matters involving white collar and anti-corruption aspects and, in general, in complex litigation in criminal, civil and arbitration cases. He has participated in multiple and diverse conflicts, especially involving disputes that take place in criminal and civil forums simultaneously.
In addition, his practice includes advising on compliance matters, crime prevention mechanisms, both in the design and implementation of Prevention Models as well as in internal investigations and strategy in the reaction to legal contingencies. He has advised several companies from different industries in the implementation of prevention models, and regularly leads internal investigations on issues of fraud, corruption, conflicts of interest, among other matters.
Advice to
- Advised a leading global audit firm in civil and criminal dispute with audited company.
- Advising a mining machinery company listed on the stock exchange in its country of origin in multiple arbitration and civil disputes related to a USD 250,000,000 project.
- Advising a multinational television broadcasting company in civil and criminal conflict related to copyright matters.
- Advising a multinational mining company in several internal investigations related to senior executives.
- Representation and advice to a stock brokerage company in several conflicts related to its specialty.
- Advising several companies, among them a world leader in technological services, national leader in daily consumer products, world leader in alcoholic beverages, leader in medical products, among others, in the implementation of their prevention model and corporate policies.
- Advised an aquaculture company in an internal investigation related to antitrust matters.
- Master in Law (LL.M.), University of Edinburgh, 2015.
- Conicyt Scholarship, 2015.
- Master in Criminal Law, University of Barcelona and Pompeu Fabra, 2014. Scholarship as best student at
- Master in Criminal Law, 2014.
- Universidad de Chile, Law School, 2009.
Academic Activities, Recognitions and Memberships
- Lecturer in Criminal Law, Universidad de Santiago.
- Lecturer in Corruption, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez.
- Multiple acknowledgements in Publications such as The Legal 500, Best Lawyers, Leaders League, among others, including “Lawyer of the year” in Best Lawyers, compliance, 2023 and Shortlisted in The Legal 500, compliance 2024.
- Chilean Bar Association.
- “Observations on the approach to the mistake of law defense in Chilean jurisprudence”, Revista de Estudios de la Justicia, Núm. 39, 2023.
- Spanish
- English
- French