

Senior Associate

Catalina has more than 10 years of experience, focusing her practice in antitrust, mergers and acquisitions, compliance and litigation.

Degree: Chile, 2012.


Catalina is an associate of our firm since 2018.  She has worked as a researcher at the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (London, UK) in 2017 under the supervision of Liza Lovdahl-Gormsen (Competition Law) and Markus Gehring (Public International Law).

Her practice focuses on advising international and domestic clients on antitrust matters, including merger control, compliance, litigation before the Tribunal de Defensa de la Libre Competencia and investigations before the Fiscalía Nacional Económica for cases of collusion, abuse of dominant position, market investigations, among others. Her experience covers a wide range of industries, such as retail, mass consumption, fuel distribution, health, infrastructure, insurance, investment funds, recycling, logistics, energy, among others.

Advice to

  • Advised an international investment fund in several merger control processes in the shipping and mining markets.
  • Advised an international investment fund in the merger control process for the acquisition of another investment fund, impacting a great number of areas, such as infrastructure, health, power generation, among others.
  • Advice to two collective waste management systems, in the design and constitution of the same, including the procedures before the TDLC.
  • Advice on compliance matters to companies in different industries, such as fuel, energy, logistics, mass consumption, retail, among others.


  • Board of Women (BOW), Mujeres Empresarias, 2023.
  • Strategic Negotiation, Universidad de Los Andes, April 2022.
  • Compliance training, Universidad de Los Andes, December 2021.
  • Master of Law (LL.M.) in Competition Law, University College London (UCL), 2017.
  • Diploma in Competition Law and Policy, Universidad de Chile, 2015.
  • Universidad de Los Andes, Law School, Summa cum laude, 2011.

Academic Activities, Recognitions and Memberships

  • Co-Teacher of the Antitrust module, Diploma in Corporate Compliance, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, 2023 to date.
  • Team Advisor, Jessup Team, Universidad de Los Andes, 2020.
  • Team Advisor, Jessup Team, University College London, 2017.
  • Professor of Economic Legislation, Universidad del Desarrollo, 2019.
  • Assistant professor of Public International Law, Universidad de Los Andes, 2010-2015.
  • Assistant professor of International Human Rights Law, Universidad de Los Andes, 2012.
  • Assistant professor of Criminal Procedural Law, Universidad de Los Andes, 2011.
  • Assistant professor of Economic Law, Universidad de Los Andes, 2008-2009.
  • Best Procedural Law Student Award, class of 2010.
  • Becas Chile scholarship to study abroad, 2016-2017.
  • The Legal 500, Nominee “Competition and antitrust rising star of the year”, 2023.


  • Spanish
  • English
  • Italian