Practice areas
Constitutional Law
In Constitutional Law we advise our clients in the defense of their constitutional guarantees related to their economic activities, such as the right to property, the right to acquire all kinds of goods, equality before the law, equality before public charges, the guarantee of fair and rational procedure, equality in the economic treatment of individuals by the State, freedom of association, and privacy
This work is carried out through the exercise of judicial actions, such as the recourse of protection, the action of inapplicability for unconstitutionality of legal precepts before the Constitutional Court, the recourse of economic protection, and claims of illegality against public entities, such as municipalities or superintendencies, among others. It is also carried out through the exercise of administrative appeals, such as appeals for reconsideration, hierarchical appeals, requests for invalidation, extraordinary appeals for review, and other special appeals.
In addition, it includes the preparation and presentation of requests for opinions to the Office of the Comptroller General of the Republic in matters within its competence when rights or norms of constitutional rank are compromised.
Finally, the work also consists of the preparation of legal reports on constitutional matters when a client so requires in support of its claim in litigation or as support for decision-making in its economic activities.