Our clients are at the center of everything

Cariola’s main mission is to fully satisfy the legal needs of our clients in any area of the law, through high quality advice provided in a comprehensive, efficient and appropriate manner. With this objective in mind, Cariola’s lawyers propose simple, precise legal solutions, designed for each particular client or case.

Constitutional Law

In Constitutional Law, we advise our clients on the defense of the constitutional guarantees related to their economic activities, such as property rights, the freedom to acquire ownership of all types of goods, equality before the law, equality before public charges, the right to fair and rational procedure, equal economic treatment of people by the State, freedom of association, and privacy.

This work is carried out through the exercise of legal actions, such as the habeas corpus (recurso de protección), the unconstitutionality action (acción de inaplicabilidad por inconstitucionalidad) of legal precepts before the Constitutional Court, the  economic claim (recurso de amparo económico), and claims of illegality (reclamos de ilegalidad) against public entities, such as municipalities or superintendencies, among others. It is also performed through the exercise of administrative appeals, such as the reposition claim (recurso de reposición), the hierarchical claim (recurso jerárquico), the invalidation application (solicitud de invalidación), the extraordinary revision claim (recurso extraordinario de revisión), and other special appeals.

Likewise, this service includes the preparation and submittal of requests to the Comptroller General of the Republic in matters pertaining to its competence when there are rights or constitutional provisions involved.

Finally, the work also consists in the preparation of law reports on constitutional matters when a client so requires, to support their claim in litigation or support their decision-making in relation to their economic activities.

