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Labor, Social Security and Immigration Law

We advise national and international companies of the most varied economic sectors in matters of individual and collective labor law. We focus on each client, considering the reality of their organization and sector to deliver a solution tailored to their needs, contributing to the construction of their strategy for the fulfillment of their mission.

Our team specializes in labor, social security and immigration law and is formed by lawyers with experience in different areas, which allows us to provide advice that considers different perspectives, for example, from the regulatory authority, human resources management and litigation. We are constantly updated on new legal regulations, rulings of the Labor Directorate and relevant judicial jurisprudence.

All this makes us a strategic ally to respond to the diverse needs of our clients, supporting them in the design and implementation of policies, regulations and internal procedures, or in the conduct of their union relations, promoting dialogue and good practices; providing assistance in collective bargaining processes, strikes and mediation processes, as well as the preparation of collective labor instruments, among others.

Our practice includes, among other services:

  • Integral accompaniment in the management of labor and union relations.
  • Integral advice in dismissal and reprimand processes.
  • Advice on the design of compensation and benefit plans for executives, including the preparation of the corresponding documentation.
  • Preparation of all types of labor documents according to the client’s needs.
  • Instruction of internal investigations for labor harassment, sexual harassment, discriminatory conduct, among others.
  • Processing of residency applications for owner and dependents, work permits and other procedures related to the installation in Chile.
  • Processing of applications before the Directorate of Labor, such as the Qualification of Minimum Services, Authorization of Exceptional Distribution of Working Hours and Digitalization of Documents, among others.
    Advice on the occurrence of work accidents and procedures before the authorities.
  • Comprehensive advice on Collective Bargaining processes, including assistance before the Labor Directorate and the labor judiciary.
  • Lectures and seminars.

High and Low Complexity Litigation: Our team has solid experience in labor litigation, with proven ability to represent our clients in highly complex labor lawsuits, both for the matter under discussion, as well as for its amount and the internal or external impact they produce, defining strategies of high technical and ethical standard, oriented to the judicial result and organizational sustainability. Our services also include the defense of our clients in less complex administrative and judicial labor proceedings, generating the necessary synergies to provide a high quality service at a reasonable cost.

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